Kern Floor scale MPC

MPC 250K100M
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Floor scale with BMI function.

Models available for 250 or with extra large platform for 300 kg.

Kern Floor scale MPC

MPD 250K100M
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Floor scale with BMI function.

Models available for 250 or with extra large platform for 300 kg.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPE 250K100PM
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPN 200K-1HM
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPN 200K-1M
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPN 200K-1PM
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPN 300K-1M
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern Column scale MPE

MPS 200K100M
Golvvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Scale with BMI function.

Double displays, for patient and staff.

Kern rail scale MTA

MTA 400K-1M
Ledstångsvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Ideal for elderly homes and geriatric departments and centers.

Kern Platform and wheel chair scale MWA

MWS 300K-100M
Rullstolsvåg Kern Sjöbloms
Platform scale with two integrated ramps.

Especially suited for wheel chair-based weighing.